Founded in 1902 with the support of President Theodore Roosevelt, the Navy League of the United States is a nonprofit civilian, educational and advocacy organization that supports America’s Sea Services: Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and US-flag Merchant Marine.
Through national and local programs, the Navy League provides a powerful voice to educate the public and Congress on the importance of our sea services to our nation’s defense, well-being, and economic prosperity. The Navy League provides support to our Sea services personnel and their families, as well as to youth programs, such as the Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Junior ROTC and Young Marines, which instill values of patriotism, courage, self-reliance and confidence in young people.
For more information or to join the Navy League, click here.
Chartered in March 1948, the Denver Council supports the overall mission of the Navy League of the United States in the Rocky Mountain West. We seek to enhance the morale of sea service personal and their families by unit adoptions. To this end, the Denver Council has adopted eight active duty and reserve units.
We also support our young people through programs that expose them to the values of our sea services. The Denver Council supports two Sea Cadet Units, two Marine Corps JROTC units, one Young Marines Unit and two local area Parents’ Associations.
Our Council Contact is David Fong. Please contact him if you have any questions regarding the Denver Council. David can be reached at dfong@lexdiv.org or at 720.443.0665.